Bitch Please

So erm you I’m writing my blog cus you know that’s what you do with a blog you write it – you don’t say – ok so that’s a lie what really happens with my blog is that unicorn piss magical rainbows on the screen.


So anyway a little thought for you guys:

Now all the way reading through this another Photo came to mind I was like bitch please look at this freaking panda

That’s all folks 😛

Stupid things I do

So I was going to bed last night and i thought to myself wouldn’t it be great to jump into bed like they do in the movies sort of like this:

But in the end you end up hitting your head on the ceiling and going to bed with a headache feeling like a right tool!! So if you think you are awesome enough to do this don’t because i’m the badass Queen of Awesome in coolsville and i definitely can’t!!!